Just Within Memory

18th April 2024

Yes, I am old enough to remember steam trains. But here we’re at the North Norfolk Steam Railway, enjoying the day.

And I claim this for Vintage, my fourth title of #2024picofthemonth, as set at Of Maria Antonia


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The East Anglian Saints

26th April 2024

Elsbeth rose early, unable to sleep longer for her excitement. She broke her fast on yesterday’s bread and cheese.

“How about drawing us fresh water from the well before you leave?” her mother called her back when Elsbeth would have been out of the door and gone.

“But they’ll go without me if I’m not there in time.”

It was a party of ten, including three monks, to make the pilgrimage to Walsingham via the shrine of St Edmund, and the wells of St Walstan at Bawburgh, and St Withburga at East Dereham.

93 words written for Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Pilgrimage

St Edmund was an East Anglian king, killed defending our land against the earliest Viking incursions.

St Walstan reputedly renounced his royal connections to become a farm labourer at Taverham near Norwich; it was said King Cnut sought him to kill him for he posed a threat to his throne.

St Withburga was the daughter of King Anna, an early king of East Anglia.

These two photos feature St Withburga’s well at Saint Nicholas church, East Dereham.

26th April 2024

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CCC285: Mavis


We left Mavis on lookout duty. It seemed a good choice, she was creatively camouflaged and skilful at blending with her surroundings. No one would see her while she would see everyone. She would alert us to intruders, give us ample time to head into the bushes and hide.

Well, that was the plan. But Mavis grew bored and set up a tune. Oh yea, clever Mavis, that caused all the eyes to look up.

Posted in Crimson's Creative Challenge, Mostly Micro, Photos | Tagged , , | 14 Comments

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #285

Every Wednesday I post a photo (this week it’s that one above.)
You respond with something CREATIVE

Here are some suggestions:

  • An answering photo
  • A cartoon
  • A joke
  • A caption
  • An anecdote
  • A short story (flash fiction)
  • A poem
  • A newly minted proverb, adage or saying
  • An essay
  • A song—the lyrics or the performance

You have plenty of scope and only two criteria:

  • Your creative offering is indeed yours
  • Your writing is kept to 150 words or less

If you post a link in the comments section of this post I’ll be able to find it.

Here’s wishing you inspirational explosions. And FUN

Posted in Crimson's Creative Challenge, Photos | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Tuesday Treats: April Flowers

2nd April 2024, and the month arrives with flowers and showers…

2nd April 2024

From the low to the high, forget-me-nots and horse chestnut

2nd April 2024

2nd April 2024

Typical wayside flowers…

2nd April 2024

2nd April 2024

2nd April 2024

Honesty and ground ivy, two sizes of purple…

2nd April 2024

2nd April 2024

Moss, of course, and apple

2nd April 2024

2nd April 2024

This garden escapee has found refuge amongst the roots of an old beech tree, while the marsh marigold finds another place to hold

2nd April 2024

That’s all for now. Hope you enjoyed

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Grandma’s Attic Chapter Five

Continuing the tale of Thredwyl the Kupie…you can read it from the beginning on Wattpad.

What Thredwyl needed was a spell to make things small, to wit, the Mothers Manual. And where might that be found? In Grandma Eanch’s Spell Book. Despite it was a mighty dense Spell Book he would not be discouraged but would turn the pages and check each entry.

He found a transportation spell that would take him to some place other. That could be useful. He unwrapped his neckcloth and used it to mark the page and continued with his search. Twenty pages, fifty pages, one hundred pages. Maybe there was no spell to shrink a thing down. What there was – and he yelped as he realised – was a need of more haste, for someone now was climbing the stairs to the attic.

There was nothing else for it, he had to improvise. He would stand on the Manual while using the transportation spell and hope – hope – that the spell transported the Manual along with him.

He grinned at his own devious cleverness, to have marked the page.

The tump-tump-tump of ascending feet grew louder. Speed was of the essence, no time for a practice run. But by the cringe and what the heck, what could go wrong with a simple spell? And then to collect his winnings. A bag full of diamonds – a small bag to be sure but better diamonds than a date with a Nixie.

Never had Thredwyl stepped back from a dare and only one dare had claimed something from him. Alas, that something still marred him, though only seen upon close inspection.

Now, Thredwyl told himself, and climbed upon the Manual.

He drew in a breath, enough to swell his chest and took a moment to steadify.

Then, three times round on the ball of his foot (his right) the left foot striking hard at the Manual’s thick leather cover on each revolution, while chanting the spell (no mean feat of coordination). I bid you take me to [some other place]. Thredwyl didn’t understand that last, why it was written in red and enclosed in square parenthesis. But it was part of the spell, so he said it anyway. In his head, he pictured Gruff’s Cavern, where his cousins were waiting.

The attic swung round him. Hey, the spell was working!

Faster and faster, it unsettled his balance, skidded his feet, slipped him down on his rump in a whump. He sought something stable, anything to hold to. But all there was was…was where had it gone, the Manual was no longer beneath his feet. Instead, he found a crevice, a crack in the floor, and tried to dig his fingers in there. Alas, only his nails would fit.

He winced as the attic spun to a blur. Lips sealed not to regorge his breakfast which, by centrifugal force, had climbed that alley from belly to gullet, fingertips fiercely hurting as the spin sought to tear out his nails.

By the cringe, what have I done now? Done and dead I’ll be before this spell stops.

With a spine-crunching jar the spell and the spinning stopped.

“Lo!” he shouted out to his cousins.

But there were no cousins. Around him all was shadowy gloom.

Where were they? Nix, wrong question. Where was he? Not in Gruff’s Cavern along with his cousins, hands out and awaiting that bag of diamonds. He groaned. All that pain, and the dizzies, and where had the spell deposited him?

He sat himself up. He stood. He dusted himself down. And noticed a bare murmur of light coming up from below. He was still in Grandma Eanch’s attic! The spell had dumped him down where he’d begun.

“First things first. Let there be light!” That was his talent. Yet all around remained in shadowed gloom.

“Hah-rumff, now that’s not happened before.” Had he lost his magic in the whirling? “And for this I have bleeding sore fingers.” He brought them closer to inspect them. Those fingers would be tender for a good count to come.

Then, beyond their tender tips… “What! But the attic has grown.”

It had grown mighty large. He would say vast, though he’d seen vast, and this didn’t quite measure up. The walls that really were part of the ceiling now rose up to a towering height, though before the spell they’d been just above his head. And that tight crack that had bitten his nails? It now was a goodly sized trench.

What the…?

Thredwyl wasn’t a numpty. Along with his staggering bravery – more an inability to say no to a challenge – was his innate ‘gift’ of reasoning it out. It wasn’t the attic had instigated, spun, stamped and said the spell; it was him. Therefore, it was upon him, not the attic, that the spell had worked. Therefore, it wasn’t the attic grown all gigantic. It was him that had shrunk so small.

His jaw dropped as he realised he’d used the wrong spell. This was the one he’d been seeking, to shrink the Manual. Yet… where was the Manual? And the spell definitely said I bid you take me to some other place.

“By Grandma’s Grimy Knickers, what do I do now? If Grandma Eanch finds me…”

He’d had a thwack or two off his own grandma – like a tonnage of stones colliding with him – and he didn’t want more. He needed a spell to reverse the shrinkage.

But there he met with another problem. Where was Grandma Eanch’s Spell Book? It ought to be towering way above him.

He cast a look up and around and…and felt additionally queasy.

“Now why have I only just noticed that?” he asked out loud – out loud because that fixed him as a reality, and he’d a desperate need of reality with this otherwise strangeness happening around him. It was the shape of Grandma Eanch’s attic that now disturbed him. Distorted it was, like a giant had grabbed it and pulled it lengthwise and stretched it. It must have happened during the spin. The other notable changes – like something was odd with the floor – he put down to him being small.

How small? Was he now too small to negotiate the stairs? Only, if Grandma Eanch’s Spell Book wasn’t up here, then he’d have to go look for it. And that would require descending at least one flight of near-mountainous steps and maybe more. But he needed that book. Never mind about escaping this place, first he needed a spell to return him to size. Yet he felt sick at the thought of those stairs. Memories whirled in his head, upsetting his belly, and that only now settling after the spell.

“I dare you to climb the Giant’s Knee,” his cousins had said. It was one of their rites, everyone did it. Well, his male-cousins did, the females did swimmery-things in water – and that was dangerous, inviting the Nixies as it did.

He remembered looking up – and up and up – at that rocky knee-shaped prominence. Sheer maybe, yet there were handholds. It shouldn’t be hard to climb. No one yet had died of it. Though true, several had fallen.

Thredwyl had fallen too.

He’d missed a foothold, dangled there by his fingertips, and they suddenly sorer than they were right now. But from that mishap he might have recovered. Except hindsight said he shouldn’t have done it while the water cascaded.

He shrugged off the memory. It wasn’t helping.

He needed that Spell Book. And if the Spell Book wasn’t up here, in Grandma Eanch’s attic, then it would be down there in another of her chambers. There was nothing for it but to scale those stairs – and hope she didn’t see him along the way. At that he almost laughed. He now was so small he could easily hide behind her skirts.

He didn’t get as far as the stairs. Stopped by the ominous tump, tump of someone climbing. He froze as memory hit him. What had happened to whoever had tumped up the stairs before when, in a panic, he’d miscast that spell?

Tump, tump, tump, came the sound of feet ascending.

What if this was Grandma Eanch? She’d hurl mountains at him. He had to hide. But where? He cast around, but the vastness was empty. No, wait. What was that slab-like thing, like a huge cube of rock, against the far wall? Was it the Spell Book?

Tump, tump, tump.

Now in a triple panic, that huge cubic structure would do him fine.

Tump, tump, tump.

But no, he abruptly halted his hurried flight.

Where was the slap and slither of Grandma Eanch’s sloppy slippers as they wrapped around the ascending tumps? All grandmas wore them, not only his own Grandma Nari. But the slap and slither weren’t there. Instead, the tumps were echoey-hard, as of a stone pelting the stair. That wasn’t any grandma. That was someone other.

The tumping stopped. That ‘other’ had arrived at the top of the stairs.

Thredwyl hardly dared look, his back seemingly scratched by a herd of sharp-clawed spiders. More, that someone was filling the doorway, blocking the light from below. Darkness descended.

“Oh shit!” Thredwyl swore.

“Oh, my Go—What the f—?” squealed a female voice. Then as a shout, “Jace. Ja-cee! Is this your doing, this…manikin? Oh fuck, it’s moving. Jace, stop fucking around and switch it off.”

More next Monday

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Sunday Picture Post: Between the Showers

2nd April 2024, we’ve agreed to visit family on the outskirts of Norwich. So while we’re there we’re going to explore a little known, and very small, nature reserve along the banks of the river Wensum. Please do join us…

2nd April 2024 

Of course it rains…

2nd April 2024 

But by the time we’re walking, it’s dry again…

2nd April 2024 

2nd April 2024 

Throughout the Wensum valley, farmland…

2nd April 2024 

Happy to see this is signed…

2nd April 2024 

This is the Wensum, wending its way into Norwich where it’ll join with the Yare…

2nd April 2024

2nd April 2024 

Here dwell some elderly willows…

2nd April 2024 

2nd April 2024 

Along the centuries the river has cut a steep cliff into the rising valley…

2nd April 2024 

First time we’ve walked this lane, I am enchanted…

2nd April 2024 

And then the rain comes again…

Hope you enjoyed our little adventure. Don’t miss Tuesday Treats for some of the flowers now in bloom

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Must Create by Use-By Date

image credit: Dorethe on Pixabay

Inspiration called today
You were not here
It went away
Promised to call another day.

The days did pass
Those days amounted to weeks away.

And where were you when that inspiration called that second day?
You’d gone away.

The weeks did pass
Those many weeks became months away.

You say you crave something that inspires?
But pretty soon
That inspiration’s use-by date will be expired.

66 words written for Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Expire

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CCC284: Stop Look and Listen

Everyone knew Bob only had two speeds: Fast and Sleep.

Always in such a hurry, Bob he didn’t do the “look both ways” thing before chasing across the lane.

Eventually the inevitable happened. He collided with a cyclist.

Bob suffered a broken leg but the vet soon put him right.

So remember, cats and dogs and little kids: Stop. Look. Listen. And Look Again. Before you cross.

P.S. The cyclist escaped with just a few superficial scratches.

Posted in Crimson's Creative Challenge, Mostly Micro, Photos | Tagged , , | 9 Comments

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #284


Every Wednesday I post a photo (this week it’s that one above.)
You respond with something CREATIVE

Here are some suggestions:

  • An answering photo
  • A cartoon
  • A joke
  • A caption
  • An anecdote
  • A short story (flash fiction)
  • A poem
  • A newly minted proverb, adage or saying
  • An essay
  • A song—the lyrics or the performance

You have plenty of scope and only two criteria:

  • Your creative offering is indeed yours
  • Your writing is kept to 150 words or less

If you post a link in the comments section of this post I’ll be able to find it.

Here’s wishing you inspirational explosions. And FUN

Posted in Crimson's Creative Challenge, Photos | Tagged , , | 3 Comments