Sunday Picture Post: Marriott’s Way

17th February 2024. Was it to rain? Or not? Forecasts were undecided. Regardless, we hopped on the bus to Norwich. We’re walking the first part of Marriott’s Way. Please join us…

17th February 2024 

Marriott’s Way begins in Norwich, at St Crispin’s Bridge. And here we’re greeted with catkins and blossoms. The day looks promising.

17th February 2024 

A detour off the Way takes us through a small wet woodland. Lovely and muddy!

17th February 2024 

But we have swans and geese for company…

17th February 2024 

Back onto the Way and the first of the bridges over the river Wensum. This is the newest…

17th February 2024 

17th February 2024 

Here there is a park where we encounter a ‘Park Run’ and daffodils…

17th February 2024 

The next bridge…

17th February 2024 

We’re passing through the outskirts of the city, witness the industrial background…

17th February 2024 

And the next bridge…

17th February 2024 

While to our right is an industrialised area, to our left are flood meadows, now become a nature reserve…

17th February 2024 

Bridge over the river Wensum allows a fair shot at the flooding. There should be a river bank here, deep in nettles and reeds!

17th February 2024 

17th February 2024 

More bridges…

17th February 2024 

This bridge marks the boundary between city and county and is a good place to stop. More photos next week from this walk. See you then…


About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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11 Responses to Sunday Picture Post: Marriott’s Way

  1. Sadje says:

    Very interesting graffiti on the walls. Lovely pictures Crispina. Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dale says:

    Wow! Spring really has sprung in your neck of the woods! Such pretty blossoms on the trees! And I love bridges.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for an interesting walk Crispina, I love bridges and I often find the juxtaposition of industrial areas with nature has its own type of beauty.

    Liked by 1 person

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