Rupert, Princeling Bear

image by rottonara on pixabay

Rupert, self-styled Princeling Bear, looked with disdain on the fashionless hordes that these days crowded the bars and clubs, all regimented in their turn-upped jeans and braces, their Number 1 close cuts, their often grubby t-shirts. They had no taste, they had no style, they had no individuality. An army of soulless faces.

Au contraire, Rupert’s New Romantic Cavalier look endowed him with graces.

64 words written for Sammi’s Weekend Writing Prompt: Cavalier




About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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32 Responses to Rupert, Princeling Bear

  1. Dale says:

    He would definitely stand out in today’s crowds. I’m sure he’d garner a fair share of snickers mixed in with curiosity!
    Like what you’ve done here.


  2. Sadje says:

    Ha good one.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, he would be a beacon of suave against the rest! Adam Ant was always one of my favourites.


  4. EntangleDesigns says:

    His “individuality” certainly would stand out! 😄 Nice one!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Rupert, Princeling Bear - Drug, Alcohol, Gambling, And Eating disorder Recovery

  6. Ben Naga says:

    “With righteous anger, sanctioned style
    Refusal to be compromised
    By inchworms who would take a mile
    Their dress sense, world view, he despised
    “Stomp out the unacceptable!”
    His motto and so solemn vow
    Ah, but I was so much Adler then
    I’m Junger than that now”

    – Ben Naga

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Joy Pixley says:

    Rupert would definitely be the one to draw my eye in a crowd like what he describes! And the first thing I’d want to know is, why Princeling Bear? That sounds like a fascinating story in itself!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Is that an English Cavalier, ‘cavalier’ in terms of dismissive, or both? 😉


  9. The cavalier with a cavalier attitude towards the less fashionably respectable! Fantastic! 🙂


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