The Spinner’s Game e-book FINAL Update

February… and it’s done.

The five books of The Spinner’s Game are uploaded to Amazon. Although they won’t be published until 21st March, with the POD paperbacks available 1-3 days later, the Kindles are available now on Pre-Order and…


Send me proof of your Pre-Order and I will send you a high resolution (2048 x 1536 px) full-colour fantasy map on pdf

You can contact me here

Marketing. Promotions.

While I am slowly recovering from that last push, my relative idleness won’t last for long. Over the past week, I have assembled a rather long list of book-bloggers and in the coming weeks I shall send out emails in the hope that at least a few will agree to read and review The Spinner’s Child on their blogs, on Goodreads, on Amazon, on social media, on anywhere… and if not that, then to host a Q&A interview.


Learning to Fly

My critique partner Lauren is already tackling the new book and sending me far too many comments that this, and that, and t’other, needs reworking. And yes, she’s quite right. So that’s the next item on my agenda: To restructure the opening chapters of Learning to Fly.

And there I conclude. No, the journey isn’t over. I doubt it ever will be. These past two years I’ve learned much about the process of self-publishing, including that it cannot be accomplished alone. My heartfelt thanks to all who have helped me along the way. And those months of hard slog have reinforced what I already knew: That I am a writer; it’s required for my sanity.

I shall leave with the opening lines of The Spinner’s Child..

Gut the fish, scrape the scales, shell the nuts, pound the seeds. And what else could her mother find to stop her from idling and making up tales? But she wasn’t lazy; she preferred to be busy. And neither were her stories fancies. They were truths, had direct from clansfolk’s heads. She ought to learn it was best to say nothing. She was different, others hadn’t her tricks.

About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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47 Responses to The Spinner’s Game e-book FINAL Update

  1. Lynn Love says:

    Hurray! Fantastic to see this, your final Spinner’s Game update, though I’m sure you’ll be starting another thread about the next project, be that Learning to fly or your next epic. Fabulous, Crispina and well done 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Probably another thread, yes, But no more epics planned. Learning to Fly at the moment is looking like 160,000 words. That’s enough for me.


      • Lynn Love says:

        Epics enough for one lifetime, eh? Though the learning to fly sounds pretty epic enough!

        Liked by 1 person

      • It is quite heavily into the medieval scene, including the dragon, which is a medieval construct.


      • Lynn Love says:

        Ah, the joy of dragons. Just wondering and I know you’re the woman to ask – what do you think dragons represent when they’re used in fiction? Are they just big monsters used as a device to terrify the populace and test the hero or are they some kind of metaphor, for the untamable forces of nature, perhaps, or something within the hero that must be conquered.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Gosh, that’s a toughy. I’d say different writers use them in different ways. To some they seem to be the unconquerorable remnants of the past (and therefore analogous with our baser animal instincts). For others they seem to symbolise the elemental energies of the Earth. I see here a division between Eastern and Western philosophies. For some writers the dragon is there to be befriended… powers of earth; for others to be conquered, defeated, destroyed.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lynn Love says:

        This is interesting, this point about the East and West. The dragon is a creature of good fortune in the East, isn’t it? where in the West it’s often brought little but destruction and an excuse for men to put on armour and save women!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I think it hasn’t helped that the Vikings used dragon-heads on their longboats. The Vikings/Norse had a dragon tradition. The dragon lays curls upon the gold in a grave, to protect it. Then there’s the dragon that girds the world.
        Also, a dragon girds the north pole star and *turns the night*. And indeed, I have upon my wall a batik from possibly somewhere East that has two entwined dragons above a globe, the World, and one half of the background in Daytime, with the sun, the other is Night, with the moon.
        I think the astronomical association goes very deep.


      • Lynn Love says:

        Love all of those dragons! And it’s marvellous how the world has so many traditions involving them. Almost as if we’re tapping into a long forgotten truth …

        Liked by 1 person

      • I recall a book read years ago, The Ancient Dragons of our Mind (I think it was call) and I think it was by Carl Sagan, which is odd since it was about our repitilian brain, and Sagan was an exo-biologist, not a human biologist.


  2. Ben Naga says:

    Big smiles and sighs of relief I warrant. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dale says:

    Woot! So exciting!


  4. Joy Pixley says:

    Hurrah hurray! What a wonderful accomplishment! Although as you say, it’s never quite “done”, is it? Always more to do. How wonderful to see all five covers together — they look so marvelous. And what a beautiful map! Did you make that yourself? I’ve been idly thinking about map-making software, so if you have any recommendations, I’m all ears.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Joy. I made four maps all together, one for each book except Lake of Dreams hasn’t one; it has two diagrammatic illustrations instead. I love maps. It was great fun. I found Inkarnate pretty good, and free… though you have to pay for the premium version if you’re going to use them commercially. But you can do an awful lot more with it than you see here. Many of the assets were wasted on me, because the culture is so early. Google it, and feast your eyes on some of the examples. But if you are going to use it, I’d say to start with a firm idea of where you’re going. Enjoy!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. And already got the next one going!

    For the map, must we pre-order all 5? I just pre-ordered the first one so far.

    Liked by 1 person

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