Tuesday Treats: A Medley of Southwold Pics

As the title says, a medley of photos from our walk on 18th March 2024. Enjoy…

18th March 2024

A couple of shots inside St Edmund’s church. The faces on the angels (below) were defaced by the Puritans.

18th March 2024

18th March 2024

The picture above speaks for itself. Below is a turnstone

18th March 2024

18th March 2024

My camera is on constant click when ambling along beside this river. But I’ve applied discipline with how many I’ve chosen to show you

18th March 2024

18th March 2024

18th March 2024

18th March 2024

18th March 2024

Then heading back into town, details from the marsh…and the common

18th March 2024

And the shot I couldn’t resist despite the light was all wrong. I’ve tried to pull it out but now that water tower looks kinda weird and alien. I’ve included it here anyway

18th March 2024

Hope you enjoyed. More next week

About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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13 Responses to Tuesday Treats: A Medley of Southwold Pics

  1. Dale says:

    They skies and sun were in favour for all of these lovely photos. Beauty.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sadje says:

    Lovely shots.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Frank says:

    Great pictures Crispina! Loved the boats and the water tower looks ready for take off!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Full of character Crispina.

    Liked by 1 person

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