Sunday Picture Post: Misty Valley Walk

4th March 2024 the mist in town doesn’t seem too bad. But once onto the marshes the mist is thick. It’s beginning to dissipate by the time we reach the start of our walk. This day we’re walking the Chet Valley, Brooke to Chedgrave. Please do join us…

4th March 2024

On the outskirts on Brooke…

4th March 2024

4th March 2024

But closer to the water meadows the mist still clings…

4th March 2024

4th March 2024

This is a walk where the trees are the main feature, here it’s an alder, and a very old oak…

4th March 2024

4th March 2024

Trees hold in the mist. Yet beyond the mist the sun shines blindling bright

4th March 2024

4th March 2024

We stop by a church, with daffodils splashing yellow along the churchyard wall…

4th March 2024

4th March 2024

And still more trees, these marking a former hedge which, it would seem has been replanted. Brilliant job!

4th March 2024

4th March 2024

Nearing the end of our walk. Ahead lies Chedgrave and our bus for home…

4th March 2024

Just in time for it does look as if it’s to rain…

Hope you enjoyed. Don’t miss Tuesday’s Treats!

About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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12 Responses to Sunday Picture Post: Misty Valley Walk

  1. Frank says:

    Amazing! What a beautiful place! Loved the cottage and the church!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dale says:

    Such beautiful images.โ€‚The fourth one is magical as is the one with the road and the circular opening to the house.โ€‚Gorgeous.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sadje says:

    Your pictures give a feel
    Of early summer. Everything is so green

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wonderful trees and tree formations!

    Liked by 1 person

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