Tuesday Treats: Flowers and Fungi

Details photos from our walk on 6th February 2024. Enjoy

Larch cones. Larch is a deciduous conifer…

6th February 2024

And here the lichen is really nuzzling…

6th February 2024

Another odd ‘conifer’, the yew has flowers and berries instead of cones (forgive the blurriness, it was very high winds!)

6th February 2024

And while thinking of seeds, heather seed pods…

6th February 2024

Ah, greenery! Honeysuckle, frequently the first leaves to appear…

6th February 2024

And this I think is possibly foxglove, though it could be comfrey

6th February 2024

6th February 2024

These need no naming…

6th February 2024

And catkins, of course…

6th February 2024

And did I say fungi? Oh yes…

6th February 2024

6th February 2024

Yes, it is a fungus, just a very very small one

6th February 2024

And lastly, Trametes versicolor, aka Turkeytails…

6th February 2024

Hope you enjoyed. It does seem that spring is on the way…

About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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9 Responses to Tuesday Treats: Flowers and Fungi

  1. Dale says:

    Another lovely share, Crispina. Love the shades of greens and browns and whites.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Sadje says:

    Excellent shots Crispina

    Liked by 2 people

  3. tenzenmen says:

    I do miss getting lost in old damp woodlands. Great pictures.

    Liked by 1 person

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