Sunday Picture Post: By Woods and Lake

14th October 2023 we hop on a bus to Norwich, and hop off again on the outskirts of the city… we’re going to Whitlingham Country Park. Please join us, it’s such a sunny day…

14th October 2023 

Blinded by the light as we bypass Trowse village… a quick click between passing traffic to capture the light on Trowse meadow…

14th October 2023 

14th October 2023 

There’s a small woodland before the park, and we always pop our heads (and cameras) in there before going further…

14th October 2023 

Too early yet for the leaves to turn… but look what greeted us at the park…

14th October 2023 

Alder is a tree of many colours, producing several different coloured dyes according to which part of the tree is used

14th October 2023 

Not much variety on the lake. The usual swans, gulls, geese, mallards, moorhens, coots…

14th October 2023 

Now where’s that second coot gone?

14th October 2023 

Across the lake a “hide” from which, on an earlier visit, we took wonderful photos of a nesting swan… and beyond that, something “gothic” (it’s a church and is quite a distance beyond those trees)

14th October 2023 

14th October 2023 

One of the channels which enjoy visitors don’t have to wade through mud

14th October 2023 

Beyond the lake there is River Yare… same as reaches the sea at my home town

14th October 2023 

14th October 2023 

Into the woods and up the hills, and down again…

14th October 2023 

My favourite two trees in this woodland…

That’s it for now, folks. Hope you enjoyed. Tuesday Treats focuses on Colour.

About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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9 Responses to Sunday Picture Post: By Woods and Lake

  1. Sadje says:

    Beautiful photos of a beautiful plane. Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dale says:

    That was a lovely walk, Crispina 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Frank says:

    Looks like a splended walk, very relaxing!

    Liked by 1 person

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