Sunday Picture Post: The Old Ways

In days of old when women were bold and drove their chariots to stir their tribes… yea, 17th July 2023, we’re in Boudica country – Saxlingham, a few miles south of Venta Icenorum. Please, join us as we head away from Pye Road (a Roman construction, now A140)…

17th July 2023 

Where Fairfield Lane meets the Roman road…

17th July 2023 

Few houses, small-holdings and farm buildings is all…

17th July 2023 

This is gently rolling countryside…

17th July 2023 

Mixed farming is the norm here. Sheep this side…

17th July 2023 

Grain to t’other…

17th July 2023 

We turn off the lane, to pass through a farm yard…

17th July 2023 

The farmer’s house, pretty in pink…

17th July 2023 

Keeping an eye on the clouds. Thunder is forecast…

17th July 2023 

Ah, relief to be out of the sun. I’ve a strong belief this is the continuation of the road that runs from Venta Icenorum (Caister St Edmunds) to Saxlingham but it was left to be a greenway when parishes were told to metal their roads…

17th July 2023 

Locally known as Mud Hole…and I have passed this way when it’s been deep in water. Yet on an old map, ca.1891, a building is marked close by, by name of Mud Hall. Hmm.

17th July 2023 

And of course, Saxlingham Thorpe church ruins, dear to my heart…

17th July 2023 

Looking across the fields to the church at Saxlingham Nethergate…

17th July 2023 

And hurrying now for the bus before that cloud bursts!

Hope you enjoyed. See also Monday Flyers and Tuesday Flowers.

About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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17 Responses to Sunday Picture Post: The Old Ways

  1. A lot of Fairfield lanes or roads, sadly the old maps don’t show if there was a medieval fair held there as the name would imply

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, there was. I know this because I’ve studied the area. The land leads to the parish of Hempnall, which did indeed have a fair or market in medieval times. It’s sited on a Roman route, too


  2. Sadje says:

    A beautiful place with lot of history. Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dale says:

    Such a pretty walk, this is. Love the farmer’s pink house. And that mudhole with the steps – my favourite!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. nancyns384696 says:

    Beautiful country! I love the history lessons you give as much as the photos. Thank you, Crisp!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Frank says:

    Wonderful photos, I can almost see bodice riding past chasing a roman!

    Liked by 1 person

    • In truth, I think Boudica was based to the west of the county and the romans established Venta Icenorum to the east as an insult to the Iceni tribe. They did similar in their conquest of Gaul


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