One Year of Crimson’s Creative Challenge

I took this photo just as Crimson’s Creative Challenge was beginning. It seemed an apt image for this celebratory post

We celebrate this week one year of Crimson’s Creative Challenge. Wee-hay! And what a year it has been.

There have been folks joined in, and folks dropped out, some have remained faithful, some we’ve never seen again. And the responses! Every genre imaginable: comedic, romantic, fantasy, folk tale, history, maritime, western and military, dystopia, gothic and sci-fi. Wow! What a lot. Some have posted photos in answer, others have posted drawings. I note none to date has posted a dance, though we have had ditties and limericks.

I’ve been straining my brain on how to celebrate this wondrous diversity.

A recap of the photos? A pick of the varied responses to the prompts? Alas, to do justice to the full fifty-two weeks amounts to a rather long post. I thought then to provide links to everyone’s contributions. But alas, that would be equally cumbersome.

And so I’ve decided just to thank everyone for making this such a successful Challenge. And here’s looking forward to another fifty-two weeks.

My special thanks to Sammi Cox for being my inspiration last year.

And my thanks to all participants (in order of appearance):

Morpethroad | Brian Bixby | The Dark Denizen | JP the wide-eyed wanderer | The Story Files | Word Shamble | Blogternator | padresramblings | Thru Violet’s Lentz | Of Maria Antonia | Tina Stewart Brakebill | Table for One | The Abject Muse |A Dalectable Life | Flights of Fancy | MJL Stories | Bobby Fairfield | PanacheSusan’s Place | willowdot21 | Willow Poetry | Let Me Tell You the Story of… | The Haunted Wordsmith | syncwithdeep | syncwithdeep | Prats Corner | Starlight and Moon Beams | Abandoned Amenities | Jen Goldie | The Diary of a Country Bumpkin | Nut House Central | awisewomansjourney | Entangled Designs | mbrazfieldm | What she wrote next | Nova’s Namaste 365 Online |  From the Window Seat | D.Avery @shiftnshake | joanne the geek | Ramyani Bhattacharya | Indira | Na’ama Yehuda | Ruby Manchanda | larry trasciatti | Von Smith | Christine’s Collection | Bladud Fleas | kittysverses | Pratibha | Rekha Rajgopal | Invictus | rugby843Den of Dreams / dragonwarrior07987 | arthurhofn | Kim Smyth | Keep it alive | pensitivity101 | MythRider | Does writing excuse watching? | Fiction Playground | TedBook | Reena Saxena | MindfulDoodles draws & writes (@artmaterdotcom) | Jane Dougherty | God’s Gift – K-popawheely | Snapshot Vignettes | 68 total

If I’ve omitted your name, I do most sincerely apologise. It’s been quite an exercise going through 52 posts to garner all names.

About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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55 Responses to One Year of Crimson’s Creative Challenge

  1. Sadje says:

    Congratulations Crispina. Wonderful achievement. I have just started late Helene’s prompt, What do you see, and it is two weeks old yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A year, that’s awesome! I love your weekly CCC and I look forward to many, many more.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Violet Lentz says:

    Sweetest congratulations come your way accompanied by sincerest thanks for not only providing the perfect prompt every week, but for making every participant feel special in their response.. Here’s to another year if it is indeed possible.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. CONGRATS Crispina!!! Looking forward to the next 52 weeks!!! 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Jen Goldie says:

    Congratulations Crispina! You’ve put together some wonderful prompts I’ve seen in the 9 or so months I’ve had the delight to respond to. Thank you for including me I’m honoured. Here’s to at least another year! ❤💐🎂🍾🥂⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐♥🤗😊👏

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Michael says:

    How time flies….congrats to you and thanks for putting up with me and my at times strange take on your images. May the next year be as exciting.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Congrats. I think it’s so impressive to keep a weekly prompt challenge going for a year! Thanks for the lovely photos that have inspired so many amazing stories, poems, and works of art. I hope there are many more 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Dale says:

    What a wonderful anniversary! Congrats on keeping this thing going for a whole year with most interesting prompts. Cheers to another year! Thank you for including me in your list…

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Lynn Love says:

    Huge Congrats, Crispina! I haven’t taken part as often as I’d like but thank you for the mention. Your photography is truly inspirational, so I’m not surprised you have so many taking part and returning time and again. Here’s to another 52!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Indira says:

    Congratulations, dear. My best wishes for the next 52 and many more 52s to come.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Wow – the amount of work gone into this post is astounding. I’ve not done something like this before, but I can just look at that list and know it’s intense.

    And aww… I only did a couple, I don’t deserve to be on the list!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Would have been more had I gone with my first idea. But it was worth it to thank everyone… even those who have only participated the once, and that early on. It was a good refresher for me, too. And of course you deserve to be on the list; be you early or latterly come, all have contributed to its success. Without you & others, all that exists are 52 photos and me poems and tales and silliness.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Looks like I need to join in!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Everyone welcome. Very relaxed, very friendly, the emphasis on fun. But because I read all the takes, I must insist on the 150 word limit. And it’s about creativity, so the work (whatever it might be) must be your own.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Tien Skye says:

    Congratulations on the anniversary! What an achievement! Here is to another year! Thank you for the mention, although I have not been blogging as much as I would like to and also, the lovely comments you always took time to craft and leave on my blog. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Brian Bixby says:

    So, two anniversaries in a week!
    (As you can tell, I’m playing catch-up.)
    My congratulations. You’ve kept a schedule of your own writing for years, but to manage a contribution-oriented weekly event . . . well, when do you get a vacay, girl?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Or might it be better asked as Do I get one? Though I can always schedule ahead, then do all the rest when I return. But no chance of one this side of publication. Sometime next summer I want to squeeze in a few days in South Norfolk… just to go somewhere different with the walks.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Congratulations! Apologies that this is a little – a lot! – late. The first year’s worth of prompts have been amazing, Crispina. I have enjoyed them all, even if it has taken me a while to get to them. And the responses I have read have all been amazing. It’s such a fun challenge, this, and I’m so glad that there are more photo prompts to come – I must finish Lyr’s story! 🙂
    Congratulations again! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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