Sunday Picture Post: South By The Sea

18th March 2024 and the sun is alone in a clear blue sky. Two buses take us south across the county border to the seaside town of Southwold. Please join us…

18th March 2024

The church of St Edmund the Martyr. St Edmund (one-time patron saint of England until the Macedonian St George was adopted during the Plague Years) was an East Anglian king killed during the first Viking invasions.

And Southwold’s second icon: The Lighthouse

18th March 2024

Perhaps we should accord the pier as the town’s third icon

18th March 2024

And the beach huts, its fourth. Though no English resort worth the name is without its huts: a place to shelter from our all-too-frequent abrasive winds

18th March 2024

These canons surely are the town’s fifth icon

18th March 2024

18th March 2024

The sky is blue…and so is the sea. But we’re heading down to the harbour. It’s only a small river, but that harbour is busy…

18th March 2024

Looking seaward…looking landward, and the neighbouring village of Walberswick

18th March 2024

18th March 2024

Small boats, yachts and cruisers line both sides of the river

18th March 2024

18th March 2024

While some, big and small, have been hauled ashore

18th March 2024

Oh dear, time to return across the common to the town for a fish and chips lunch and to catch the bus home

18th March 2024

Hope you enjoyed. Sorry I can’t share my lunch with you…

See Tuesday Treats for more photos from Southwold

About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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9 Responses to Sunday Picture Post: South By The Sea

  1. Frank says:

    Absolutely beautiful place!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A very pleasant walk for Easter Sunday!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dale says:

    It’s so funny to see a lighthouse in what appears to be the centre of town instead of off by itself on some cliff ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love those beach houses!

    Liked by 1 person

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