Monday Flyers

Butterflies from our walk 17th July 2023…

17th July 2023 

The blackberries were certainly a draw for the butterflies along the way. Here’s a Comma and a Meadow Brown

17th July 2023 

17th July 2023 

Red Admiral momentarily at rest…

17th July 2023 

A pretty Small Copper, our first sighting!

17th July 2023 

The Gatekeeper!

17th July 2023 

And a small white; this is the one most often seen in gardens…

17th July 2023 

A Large Tortoiseshell, not in great abundance this year…

17th July 2023 

Gatekeeper. Along with the Meadow Browns, these were everywhere, dancing in the air, refusing to settle to allow us a pic…

17th July 2023 

This Comma has come down to earth to allow me the chance to focus…

17th July 2023 

More blackberries, this time attracting Meadow Browns…

17th July 2023 

And that flashy Red Admiral…

Hope you enjoyed. Flowers tomorrow

About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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18 Responses to Monday Flyers

  1. Sadje says:

    These butterflies are so beautiful. And you know their names too. Awesome

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dale says:

    Wow. I don’t even see that many kinds, never mind manage to photograph them!!
    Beauties. All of them.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. nancyns384696 says:

    Love them all!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Frank says:

    Beautiful little fluttery things! Great captures!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You certainly beautifully captured the insects and their flowers. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

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