Free Today…

Hare and Adder, Book One of Alsaldic Lands Trilogy, was published on Amazon on 10th June. Today, Alsalda Bear, Book Two, to show its face to the world. To mark the occasion, I’m offering Hare and Adder e-book free from today until Sunday 13th August.

Click for Hare And Adder Click for Alsalda Bear

But what is this Alsaldic Lands Trilogy?

Is it a continuous story told across three books?

No, it is not.

The Alsaldic Lands Trilogy comprises three stories that stretch across centuries of prehistory, linked by place, and trade, and granaries, of beer and bread brewed and baked for the feasts. This, against a backdrop of Immortals who’ll happily use humans as weapons in their ancient sniping griping feuds.

The trilogy begins in the Neolithic with Hare And Adder

Denied what she considers her birthright, Hegrea, born Hegrissa, must mould and sweeten an intrusive system of trading granaries to a resistant population to suit the native taste. That system is already thriving in the west, its instigator, Kerrid, Head of Kerdol (last seen in The Spinner’s Game). As the daughter of an Immortal, Hegrea is skilled in telepathy and is undeniably a wily one.

Now comes Alsalda Bear, Book Two

Hegrea’s network of trading granaries have multiplied and now are an established feature of the land. The granary traders are provided by an immigrant people who, of late, have allied themselves with Dal Uest, a land across the sea.

Born into the granary family, Detah believes she has no choice but to be a granary-worker; the keeper herself if her sister should die without daughters. But Detah prefers to be a trader and traveller like her father whose stories she devours. Her opportunity arrives on the heels of four horsemen from Dal Uest where a judgement has been made and their clan must leave. That arrival and the changes wrought throw the granary system into turmoil. Now is Detah’s chance – but first she must stand against her family.

The King’s Wife, Book Three, is scheduled for next year

Set amid the deteriorating weather that ushers in the Late Bronze Age, Book Three follows the final gasps of Hegrea’s granaries as the Alsaldic Lands are caught between two invading forces. Caught amongst the turmoil is Bregan, the last of the granary-keepers. Is she to blame for what happens? There are those who’d say she is, her Immortal father being one.

 Previous Books

Spinner’s Game:
The Spinner’s Child
Lake Of Dreams
The Pole That Threads
Lady Of First Making
The Spinner’s Sin

Spinner’s Series:
Learning To Fly
Hare and Adder (Book One, Alsaldic Lands Trilogy
Alsalda Bear (Book Two, Alsaldic Lands Trilogy
The King’s Wife (Book Three, Alsaldic Lands Trilogy, scheduled 2024)

Standalone books:
Roots Of Rookeri

Click to all my books on Amazon

About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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3 Responses to Free Today…

  1. Sadje says:

    Thanks 🙏🏼

    Liked by 1 person

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