CCC248: Thor and the Frost Giants

Ståle hurried his wife and children. They had to seek safety, the storm was approaching. Coming closer. Closer. Growing louder. Louder.

Crash. Thump. Clash. Colliding. Rumbles and grumbles.

It was Thor, to be sure, stomping across the land, his chariot wheels upturning the stones, his harnessed goats knocking horns.

Ståle hid with his wife and children in the pit beneath his house until, in early morning light, the commotion suddenly halted. Silence.

Hesitant, cautious, Ståle bid his wife and children to stay the pit, while he checked it was safe.

Oh, the damage. That wasn’t Thor and only Thor. That was the Frost Giants too.


About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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10 Responses to CCC248: Thor and the Frost Giants

  1. Dale says:

    But at least he and his family are safe! Wonderful tale, Crispina!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sadje says:

    A magical story Crispina.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Asha Seth says:

    Very interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

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