Tuesday Treat: Flowers and Fungi

The numbers of wildflowers diminish while we still wait upon the autumnal plethora of fungi. But here are some. Enjoy

Like a clutch of eggs: 📷 12/09/2020

You can see how small these are by the size of the moss surrounding them

Halloween garlands? No, bryony: 📷 12/09/2020

Bull-rushes and Great Willowherb:📷 12/09/2020

Oh, that’s me: 📷 12/09/2020

Fungi & Lichen: 📷 12/09/2020

Webs on hogweed: 📷 12/09/2020

Meringues? Swirled Potatoes? Na. Fungi: 📷 12/09/2020

Tutsan (wild Rose of Sharon): 📷 12/09/2020

Tiny fungi-caps : 📷 12/09/2020

These had sprung up during the morning. Not there when I passed on the way out, yet there when I returned.

Shaggy Inkcaps: 📷 14/09/2020

Found these while taking photos of the sunset on Breydon Water.

Water mint (?spearmint?): 📷 17/09/2020

All summer, trying to get a decent photo of this mint. Finally, at summer’s end…

Earth-Ball (fungus, edible, large): 📷 17/09/2020

Plantain: 📷 17/09/2020

Such a common plant, much ignored. Yet it’s one of my favourites

And as we begin, so we end: 📷 17/09/2020

Fungi, the alpha and omega… hope you enjoyed.

About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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28 Responses to Tuesday Treat: Flowers and Fungi

  1. Do not wish to appear pedantic but your bullrushes are actually reedmace, the confusion stems from Sunday school pictures of, “Moses in the bullrushes,” which always showed reedmace and thus were ingrained into our psyche.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That does look like a meringue or even a swirled potato! Great pictures, Crispina

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Brian Bixby says:

    With your own photo among “Flowers and Fungi,” we will group you among the flowers, not the fungi. Though, it should be said, you do have some pretty fungi.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The fungi is impressive. I have only seen anything similar once all summer here in Ohio.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Well, I for one think *that’s* a very good picture of you.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. EntangleDesigns says:

    Love the photos but the photographer stole the show! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ben Naga says:

    A lovely set of photographs. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

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