Asaric Tales e-book Update #15


The Spinner’s Child (WT: Asaric Lies)

At the last update, I reported this (Book One) had now received what I thought was the last of its edits. Ha! Who forgot about the line-edit? Me. But that now is done.

And so, with The Spinner’s Child retitled and locked down, now’s the moment of the big reveal.


Design by Lauren Willmore (copyright)

Book Covers by Lauren Willmore

I can praise Lauren for so many things: she’s great as a beta reader and critique partner, and has become a good friend. But words escape me when it comes to her book covers. This first was by way of sample. And she nailed it in one. But I needed five covers, and they needed to show these five books were part of a series. Could she deliver? She did.

While Lauren can still be found at Under One Cloud, she has now launched her own blog, with her second post due to publish today; check her out at

And now for the next reveal.

Lake of Dreams (WT: Asaric Axis)

This second book in the (retitled) The Spinner’s Game series has now received its last few tweaks and, as with Book One, has enjoyed a deep line-edit.

And so, with the book now retitled Lake of Dreams and locked down, here comes another big reveal.


Design by Lauren Willmore (copyright)

Asaric Skies (Book Three)

I have two beta-readers yet to return their comments on the last part of this book (part 5 of 5) and I’m hoping to receive them shortly. Then, as with the previous books, I’ll let that stand for a while, while I ready Book Four for the next round of beta-reading.

So far, this back-burner technique has worked out well. It allows time for the betas’ comments to percolate and where revisions are needed, for those to take form in my mind. On return to the book, the rewrite tends to roll along. With the revision/rewrite complete I shall put that book out for a final beta-read.

By slow steps do we progress.

Asaric Sons (Book Four)

I’ve not had much chance to work on this further since the last update, and I’m itching to get on with it.

To recap, I have double-checked the details, the astronomy, the continuity, and replaced hastily deleted scenes, deleted extraneous words, changed imperfect to perfect wherever possible. I have checked every scene serves a purpose and drives the plot on (though doubtless the beta-readers will still pick me up on something). Also, I have applied Jessica Brody’s Save the Cat! Writes a Novel structure (yep, all measures up).

I now have loads of notes that need processing, some small, some tiny, and a few that are .. big. All of which ought to keep me occupied for the next month or so.

The next e-book update … Sunday 3rd March.

About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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26 Responses to Asaric Tales e-book Update #15

  1. Violet Lentz says:

    How exciting ! The cover is flawless as well

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Another great update. I especially like the covers (if I say so myself 😂). So glad you like them, can’t wait to show off the rest!

    Liked by 2 people

    • crimsonprose says:

      Me neither. But there’s a tad more work to do before then. Still awaiting return of two betas’s final comments on Book 3. Bit Book 4 progresses. 🙂
      Hells, do you know how to key-in an upside emoji? I miss him. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Judy says:

    I really do love the covers and feel they are right on. Spinner’s Child has a dark sense of dread with Kerrid’s visions of being ripped apart and dead babies and the inevitable passage into the web where some answers and some mysteries lie in the dark network. Of course I am an arachniphobe, hence spider dread. Whereas Lake of Dreams has an entirely different palette…..white winter and a cold blue lake….so the covers nicely reflect some of the nature of the stories. I like that the covers are different in tone but parallel in font etc. I especially like the first cover and love those ripple designs in the background. Everything uncovered does have a ripple effect in the web.

    Liked by 3 people

    • crimsonprose says:

      I thank you. Judy. Needless to say, I’m delighted with all five covers. Hard to say which I like best, they all have such different qualities, and yet hang together as a whole. It obviously helped that Lauren had read (critiqued) these first two books. But she’s also beta-reading book 3; As to the other two books, she worked off my synopsis, which was quite indept, and bounced questions back and forth. But she had grasped the concept from the start.
      While Lauren’s *Made of Earth* runs along entirely different lines from the Asaric series, yet there are significant similarities whieh I think has helped up to gel, as it were.
      Basically, I’m happy. And I can’t praise her enough. But I’m not forgetting who supplied most of those titles. I thank you, Judy. And your sister. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Judy says:

        I agree on the different qualities. Right now my favourite is Spinner’s Child’s cover. But, I think the tiger and blue misty lake with light haloes which mist does diffuse light great too!! I think it makes it interesting when you line up a five book series and have those different colored covers. Kind of magical in of itself. I think Lauren is doing a great job and its a tough market.

        Liked by 2 people

      • crimsonprose says:

        Hey, keep saying all the nice things you can about Lauren’s work. It helps me to repay her. 🙂 🙂 🙂
        And like I said, she really has nailed it. And you saw some of my own attempts at it. Yea, I’m loud with colour! Lauren is subtle. And that’s what ‘magical’ needs.


      • Judy says:

        Agreed!! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Many thanks both! A love how much you’ve picked up on, Judy!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. The covers are beautiful and so fitting with the stories. Perfect! I can’t wait to see the other covers. Also love the new titles. I’m so excited for you, Crispina! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dale says:

    Fantastic all ’round. Looking forward to seeing the other three covers, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Joy Pixley says:

    Wow, those covers are so amazing! I can see why you’re so excited, and how it would be hard to put off showing them off. I especially love the first one – that spider and the swirls are just perfect!

    Liked by 2 people

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