Asaric Tales e-book update #8

July already, and what have I to report?

Asaric Tales update 8

Asaric Lies, Book One

Asaric Lies has been beta-read, critiqued, amended, critiqued again, and beta-read and … I am now waiting for the last three critiques to be in, before I consider the results and make my final amendments. My thanks to those who have offered their services and have delivered, and to those who are still in the process. Words cannot express how much I appreciate your time and your efforts. I kiss your feet! You are gold!

Update on

My submission of the three new chapters and request for a dedicated reader for Asaric Lies to Critters fell on the same day as Critters closed membership to EU residents because of the complications with the new data protection acts. (see Update #7)  I thought Asaric Lies wouldn’t now be listed. I was wrong.

I have received five critiques. But with the first received it seemed Critters wouldn’t credit their work. However, since then I’ve received word that they have received credits even though I’m no longer a member. Alas, the situation doesn’t extend to the dedicated read. I’ve had two offers for that and have had to refuse them.


Blocked from membership of, I looked for an alternative source of critiques and beta-readers. And found LadiesWhoCritique, a bulletin-board type site with provision to advertise for critique partners and beta readers and, despite its name, open to men as well. I joined up, advertised, and now have a mutally agreeable partnership with another ‘lady who critiques’. However, for the past two weeks that site has been offline for maintenance. Drats, just as I want to advertise again.

Asaric Axis (Book Two) Call for Beta Readers 

Yep! Book Two is ready to enter that never-ending process of beta readers and critiques. And so, the blurb …

Kerrid is an Asar, one of a handful of people with unusual traits and abilities. In Book One, Asaric Lies, the all-encompassing oracular Spinner charged Kerrid with the eradication of Neka, the demon-snake that has stalked Kerrid since she was a child. To do so, Kerrid believes she must discover the truth of the Asars.

Thus, when “big brother” Olun summons Kerrid’s husband to a family meeting with the expressed purpose to discover this truth Kerrid jumps at the chance.

Kerrid’s success in this stage of her quest depends upon her gaining the approval of Olun, who never has liked her, and that of his brothers. This would be easier without her husband’s repeated efforts to undermine her, in part motivated by his jealousy of the second-born brother, Jiar.

If the above blurb teases your interest and you’d like to volunteer to read the book then please use the form here to contact me.

Asaric Axis currently weighs in at 73,000 words ( lightweight compared with the first book).

Asaric Skies, Book Three

And while you helpful, much-appreciated, more-precious-than-gold beta-readers tackle Book Two, I will be busy on Book Three, Asaric Skies. I am hoping (ha ha) to reduce its wordcount by some 25,000 words. I also need to ensure changes made in Books One and Two are carried into this next book. Then there’s the copy-editing, and getting rid of the ‘-ing’ words (the fast-track diet); a general knock into shape, ready to pass through the same procedures. I sigh. Only another two books after that, then I can get down the mechanics of e-book publishing.

July. Hmm. Yet I am making progress. Slowly.

About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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4 Responses to Asaric Tales e-book update #8

  1. Joy Pixley says:

    How frustrating that you’ve hit those dead-ends! I’m happy to hear that you got so many other critiques for book one. I don’t really have the time, but I can’t wait to see what happens in book two, so sign me up!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lynn Love says:

    Well done for ploughing on, finding another critique site after Critters let you down. Hope ladies who critique works out for you

    Liked by 1 person

    • crimsonprose says:

      I have found a critique partner, but I was hoping to use it for beta readers, and it’s still offline. I think it’s been hit by a virus, that Ransomware, maybe. Ho-hum. I keep trying.


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