Down Amongst the Woodland Fairies

In April Flowers the flowers were large enough to be easily seen. Yet many a woodland plant has flowers small, that are often tucked away amongst the general foliage . . .

Woodland Floor Flowers 3

Lesser Celandine, Bluebells and Wood Anemone , , , that’s what easily seen . . .  and that only if you are looking. Not so easily seen is the Moschatel’s flowers.


A whole patch of Moschatel, hiding away amongst the sycamore seedlings and the foliage of Cow Parsley and Herb Robert

Moschatel close up

Close up on the Moschatel’s inconspicuous yellow-green flowers

Wood Anemone pink

Close up on the Wood Anemone . . . pink variety

Wood Anemone

And here an unusual white variant.

Woodland Floor Flowers 1

Often all that’s seen is foliage. Though this isn’t a woodland floor. All this luxuriant growth is smothering a log.

Wood Sorrel patch

The delicate flowers of the Wood Sorrel awaiting the sun . . .

Wood Sorrel close up

Close up on the Wood Sorrel

Climbing Corydails

Easily missed, the Climbing Corydalis hasn’t the stature of its larger wasteland and wayside kin

Woodland Floor 2

Herb Robert and Bluebells, just a few of the flowers more easily seen on this woodland floor

Herb Robert

Close up on Herb Robert, a member of the Cranesbill (Geranium) family

Dovesfoot Cranebill

Cousin to the above, the Dovesfoot Cranesfoot, a wayside plant

Dovesfoot Cranebill, white var.

Ditto above . . . except this is a white variant. I’d not seen it before. It grew in the same stretch of hedge as the more usual pale lilac version

So next time you’re out walking . . . turn your eyes down. Who knows what treasures you’ll find growing just by your feet.


About crispina kemp

Spinner of Mythic Tales
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4 Responses to Down Amongst the Woodland Fairies

  1. Brian Bixby says:

    Not that this should stop you or anything like that, but I do come away from your plant/flower/(and even) fungi postings wishing I could identify as many here myself. My education in plants is much lacking.

    Liked by 1 person

    • crimsonprose says:

      Mine isn’t exactly complete! Even this weekend I’ve taken photos of plants as much to study them on screen and try to identify them. Some without success. Ditto for the fungi. I am still struggling with them, as much because identification can hang on the spore print, the smell, or what colour it bleeds when cut. Don’t be put off. Buy a pocket field guide and take the time to consult when out for a walk/hike. It’s the only way to discover the names. And it also helps keen-in the eye.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Judy says:

    You can almost smell the moist earth!! Happy hiking!!! If you are like me you will spend more time working with the stuff on the computer than you did hiking around and taking them….and the hiking is the healthier part!! 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • crimsonprose says:

      Yea, one day’s hike, one week’s work on the computer (okay, I exaggerate) I try to keep the processing to minimum. Though that depends on weather conditions. Overcast is all and good, and allows for better results in the processing process. But without that work, the photos can look flat and dull. And British weather is notoriously overcast! Then in the summer the sun bleaches the colour from everything. Can’t win, hey.


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